How impressively true it is that human experiences have their testing as well as their joyous aspects! Hagar fled from the jealousy of Sarai into the wilderness. As she sat by the fountain of water, an angel declared that the Lord had heard her affliction and instructed her to return to her mistress. Thus strengthened, Hagar called the name of the Lord "Thou God seest me."
Out of that bitter episode came one of the most intelligent as well as one of the most comforting conceptions of Deity that can be found in literature. Imagine the thrill which came to the harassed woman through this revelation. What joy, we may add, has come to the whole world through the revelation of Christian Science to our inspired Leader, Mary Baker Eddy!
People wonder why God permits apparently painful experiences to prevail. They might, with better reason, ask why they permit such conditions to prevail, when He has equipped them with the spiritual understanding to cure human ills. Curable all ills are, since they lack divine origin or authority. They pass from sight to him who turns from the material and mortal, fixes his gaze on the glories of reality, and unfalteringly orders his footsteps in that direction.