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Putting on record insights into the practice of Christian Science.


Although men have preached the desirability of gratitude, although they have sung of its beauties and loveliness, its duties as well as its advantages have not always been realized; but most prominent of all has been the feeling in the hearts of multitudes of a lack of cause for this virtue. All too frequently men have gone on, blind to the blessings which have been appearing constantly around them.


Unity implies oneness; that is, an indissoluble relationship between entities. On page 470 of "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" Mrs.


" HOW much more should we seek to apprehend the spiritual ideas of God, than to dwell on the objects of sense! To discern the rhythm of Spirit and to be holy, thought must be purely spiritual. " Thus writes Mrs.


PAUL had a wonderfully wide vision of the scope of Christianity. Although he was of Jewish descent, and at one time was so bigoted in favor of the religious beliefs of his forefathers as to be a ruthless persecutor of the first Christians, yet after his conversion to Christianity he became chief among the apostles in the desire to see the Christianization of the Gentile nations as well as of his own.


THE chief tendency of the modern times is a restless striving for something, the possession of which it is believed insures happiness, and makes life richer and more meaningful. In this quest mortals entirely overlook the fact of man's present possession, by reflection, of all God's bounty.


Mrs. Eddy in her writings is constantly pointing out to her followers the necessity for watchfulness.


" Individual " and "responsibilIty" are two important words in the phraseology of Christian Science, and when united they mean more than at first would appear. What belongs to each individual, and yet that which has its own distinct identity, cannot fail to be of deep interest to all.


In order to gain an adequate understanding of God as divine Mind and of creation as the universe of ideas, it becomes necessary to examine the word "consciousness. " '"Consciousness," as commonly used outside of Christian Science, relates exclusively to the human or so-called mortal mind; it deals wholly with the categories of a counterfeit or supposititious mind, which we learn in Christian Science not only is not real, but can take no cognizance of reality: it is in fact nonexistent.


MARY BAKER EDDY, the Discoverer and Founder of Christian Science, has much to say in her writings of unselfed love. Again and again she speaks of its desirability and beauty, and links richest blessings with its possession.


CHRIST JESUS , the Founder of Christianity, healed the sick. And if a careful study of the New Testament be made, it will be found that he employed spiritual means alone in doing so.