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Putting on record insights into the practice of Christian Science.


AMONG many statements made by Mrs. Eddy regarding the need for Christian Scientists to prove their understanding of divine Principle through demonstration, one of the most cogent is found on page 34 of "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures.


The Christian Science Board of Directors announces the election of Miss Violet Ker Seymer as an Associate Editor of The Christian Science Journal, Christian Science Sentinel , and the French and German Heralds . Miss Ker Seymer was born of English parents in Paris, France.


Since the last notice published in the Christian Science Sentinel and The Christian Science Journal relative to The Christian Science Pacific Coast Sanatorium, necessary detail work has been proceeding, and the architect's plans are now substantially finished. Contributions have been received in sufficient amount to a little more than fully pay for the land upon which the sanatorium is to be built.


HOW varied are the feelings of men and women as they look ahead into a New Year! Many of them are anxious as to what it may hold in store for them. Some of them are wondering if the sorrows and sufferings of the past will be repeated; others, if the sunshine of prosperity and health, which perchance they have enjoyed in the year that is gone, will continue to brighten their way.


IN the allegory of the vine and its fruitful branches set forth so appealingly in John's Gospel, Jesus made plain that he was the true vine, while they, his devout followers, were the branches, watched and tended by the Father, the divine husbandman; and he revealed the impelling fact that, since he was the true vine, whosoever should abide in him would bring forth much fruit; and, conversely, he taught that a branch which, shut off from its divine source, did not abide in him would be cast forth and withered, ultimately to be burned. And he closed his message with a statement of the reasons why he had spoken to his beloved disciples in such terms.


WHEN , in the course of human experience, our dear friends are no longer visibly with us, we are reassured by the promise of the sweet bard of Israel, that the rod and staff of our loving Father-Mother God will comfort both them and us. In the words of our Leader, "The transition from our lower sense of Life to a new and higher sense thereof, even though it be through the door named death, yields a clearer and nearer sense of Life to those who have utilized the present, and are ripe for the harvesthome" (Miscellaneous Writings, p.


When at the time of Jesus' birth the angels gave their heavenly message of universal peace and good will, they inaugurated a sense of joy and happiness which has ever since been associated in the thought of mankind with Christmas. In Christian lands men have been awakening more and more fully to the marvelous good which was to accrue from the appearing of this infant child.


It is not uncommon to hear it remarked that Christian Scientists possess an extraordinary confidence in their religion. And the observation is justified, because no body of religionists have greater assurance than they in the doctrine which they have made their own.


In his first epistle, John finds conclusive proof of the love which God has "toward us" in the fact that He "sent his only begotten Son into the world, that we might live through him;" and he defines the purpose of the Saviour's coming in these significant words, "to be the propitiation for our sins. " The advent of the Messiah as the Son of God had long been anticipated by the Hebrew race.


Living as he does in a world where good and evil are believed in and practiced as equally real, the Christian Scientist, while enjoying the privilege of knowing good and doing good, has ever to be on the alert lest he be ensnared by the false beliefs of evil. But let it be said at once that no one is better qualified than is the Christian Scientist to resist evil in its every seeming form; for no one has a better understanding than he of the allness of God, good, and the unreality of evil, and of the value of this understanding as embodied in right thinking.