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Putting on record insights into the practice of Christian Science.


AS a mortal turns over the pages of his daily experience, he finds there entries which are both satisfactory and regrettable. With the coming of the New Year, however, his desire doubtless is that these pages may henceforth show ever cleaner records and worthier accomplishments.


MRS. EDDY'S words on page vii of the Preface to "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures," the words which begin her great work, read, "To those leaning on the sustaining infinite, to-day is big with blessings.


THE ancient prophets and seers of Israel were confident of the divine source of their strength and that it could be constantly renewed through righteous appeal to God. "Thou sendest forth thy spirit, they are created: and thou renewest the face of the earth," declared the Psalmist.


CHRISTENDOM readily admits that Christ Jesus was the best man who ever lived on earth. Probably it will as readily agree that, with his profound understanding of God, he was the wisest.


ALL the trouble and suffering of the human race is due to misunderstanding. Every discord it experiences is directly traceable to lack of understanding that God, good, is All-in-all; that Spirit is the only substance of creation, and the divine Mind the only real Mind.


IF one were to name the person whose life had been most minutely scrutinized in its every aspect through the longest period of time, that person beyond question would be Christ Jesus. Upon the life, teachings, works, character, and mission of the Nazarene the light of investigation has been turned at its full until it seems that nothing remains hidden that may be revealed, and that nothing more remains to be said about this marvelous man.


There seems to be a growing tendency on the part of some teachers to solicit pupils for their classes, and to permit others to do so without objection or correction. This is in direct violation of the Manual, Article XXVII, Section 5, which reads in part: "Members of The Mother Church who are authorized by its By-Laws to teach Christian Science, shall not solicit, or cause or permit others to solicit, pupils for their classes.


IN Genesis we read, "And the Lord said unto Noah, Come thou and all thy house into the ark; for thee have I seen righteous before me in this generation. " So Noah built an ark for the saving of the elect.


RELIGION is a term which covers an immense field, ranging from the most primitive faith to the highest spiritual understanding. But wide as is the scope of religion, it may be defined, simply, as "any system of faith and worship.


FOR the earnest Christian deep significance attaches to every incident in the life of the Master. The yearning for knowledge of his life, especially of his youth and young manhood, about which so little is known, is particularly keen.