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From the January 1930 issue of The Christian Science Journal

THE ancient prophets and seers of Israel were confident of the divine source of their strength and that it could be constantly renewed through righteous appeal to God. "Thou sendest forth thy spirit, they are created: and thou renewest the face of the earth," declared the Psalmist. And again in full expectancy of renewal through divine intervention his petition to the Almighty was voiced thus: "Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me."

This assurance of constant renewal through the operation of divine law was likewise expressed by Paul: "But though our outward man perish, yet the inward man is renewed day by day." In these words did the apostle proclaim full faith in the exercise of God's constant care for His children, described as the "inward man." Christian Science reveals the incomparable fact that man as God's reflection, His perfect likeness, is constantly and eternally refreshed and renewed by the infinite Father, in whom man lives, moves, and has his being. Furthermore, through the teachings of Mrs. Eddy we learn how to make this transcendent fact practical in our daily lives, thus bringing to bear upon our faltering senses the refreshing and renewing truth, constantly available as an emanation from God the Father. The tendency of mortals to become weary and depressed through the bearing of life's burdens finds its perfect corrective in the habit of looking to God for invigoration and strengthening. The remedy for this earth-weariness is at hand and available to all. If we fail to make use of it, the responsibility is our own, and we thus voluntarily contribute to our own undoing.

The habit of refreshing ourselves daily, and frequently through the day, by lifting thought to the spiritual facts of being is one to be followed insistently. It is the human sense that becomes fatigued and depressed: and this false sense of man which believes in weariness and suffering is corrected at the never failing fountain of infinite Life. God, omnipotent and eternal, can never know aught of weariness or heaviness. No more can man, who expresses only the divine qualities, including unlimited power, become aught but the reflection of infinite strength. Such reflection can know no lassitude, no weariness, no heaviness. When this is recognized and man's birthright of health and strength is recognized and claimed, all contrary beliefs will disappear as does the mist before the fresh winds of heaven.

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