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Testimonies of Healing

All of my early life I was in excellent...

From the January 1930 issue of The Christian Science Journal

All of my early life I was in excellent health, and during eight years of public school teaching missed only three days on account of illness. Then, after a few years of married life, just as we were getting comfortably situated, my health suddenly began to fail, and I was in a deplorable condition for three years. We employed nine of the most skilled physicians in different states, among them noted specialists, in the hope that my health would be restored. I can truthfully say that some of them were very kind and did everything they could to relieve me, but my sufferings only increased, and my condition baffled the skill of these medical men. They said I was suffering from leakage of the heart, and also from neurasthenia in its worst form. Some of the doctors advised an operation, but to this my husband would not consent as they were not sure what they might be operating for, but hoped they would find the cause of my suffering.

After three years of invalidism, our kind family physician advised my husband to take me to California in the hope that the climate might benefit me. "But," he said, "do not spend any more money on doctors, for there is nothing in materia medica that can help her. Her case is incurable; she may live a month, or she may drop off at any time." We sacrificed a good business and moved to California; but the climate did not do me any good, and I only grew worse.

But "man's extremity is God's opportunity." One night, while my husband was on a train, a stranger, noticing his discomfiture, approached him and kindly inquired about his trouble. My husband told him about my illness, saying there was no hope. Then the man said: "You need not despair, for if you have tried everything else with no avail, why not try Christian Science? It has helped others, and it will help you." He then told him of some remarkable cures in Christian Science. As a result, when my husband reached home he took me to a practitioner. We knew nothing about Christian Science, but the love the practitioner expressed and the hope and encouragement she gave will never be forgotten. After the first treatment I was able to read a few lines in "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy, although I had been unable to read for a couple of years. As treatments were continued and I studied and gained a higher understanding of God and man, my condition improved enough so that we could return to Kansas. We again took up treatment, and here, in the very place I left on account of my health, I received my complete healing. One day after I had been studying the Christian Science Quarterly Bible Lesson, these words came to me as plainly as though they had been spoken: "I shall not die, but live, and declare the works of the Lord." All fear left me, and I was healed. For this wonderful healing, now fifteen years ago, I am truly grateful. I hope this testimony may help someone whose healing seems slow. Since that time Christian Science has been our help, physically, mentally, and financially.

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