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From the January 1930 issue of The Christian Science Journal

MRS. EDDY'S words on page vii of the Preface to "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures," the words which begin her great work, read, "To those leaning on the sustaining infinite, to-day is big with blessings." Well may they be taken as a promise of blessings at hand, and to come, by all who at the New Year are looking to God for guidance, for sustenance, for strength and health, in the days which are ahead. "The sustaining infinite"! God, then, is not afar off. Nay, rather, is He with us now, ever present with us now, even as Christian Science teaches.

How wonderful is this teaching that God is not far distant from any one of us, but ever present! But how can this be? Christian Science explains. God is Mind. Mind does not need what men call material space in which to dwell, and Mind cannot be circumscribed within so-called material bounds. Mind is therefore everywhere. Furthermore, God's creation, which is the expression of Mind, is likewise omnipresent; and this creation consists of spiritual ideas which range from the infinitesimal to man. Thus, man, the idea of infinite Mind, being ever at-one with creative Mind, is perpetually upheld by "the sustaining infinite."

Mortals are not the children of God. There is not a trace of materiality about the real man, since he reflects only the perfect qualities of perfect Mind. All that is evanescent, temporal, mortal, — namely, matter and evil with their phenomena, — is not of God, the infinitely good Mind, and is therefore unreal. Whoever would scientifically prove for himself that "to-day is big with blessings" must come to understand this teaching; for not otherwise can be discarded the errors of material sense, the false beliefs of mortal mind, the lies of the carnal mind, which claim to keep him in bondage. We must know the truth about our real spiritual selves; we must deny the falsity of a selfhood apart from God, a mortal selfhood, if we would enter into the joy and harmony of true being. Paul said to the Romans, "The Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit, that we are the children of God: and if children, then heirs; heirs of God, and joint-heirs with Christ."

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