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From the January 1930 issue of The Christian Science Journal

WHEN Jesus encountered the ignorance of the multitude and the dullness of his own disciples who failed to grasp the import either of his words or of his works, he spoke of their lack of understanding as of those who "having eyes, see ... not," and "having ears, hear . . . not."

The student of Christian Science who finds familiar passages in the Bible or in the textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy, expanding into new and larger meanings, comes to realize that his eyes are beginning to see and his ears to hear. As such experiences multiply, he awakens to the fact that his mental and spiritual horizon is gradually but surely enlarging, for he sees farther into the eternal verities and understands better his daily experiences. He discovers also that these are becoming more orderly and more harmonious. That these results accompany the understanding of Truth, our Leader states on page 255 of Science and Health, where she says: "Eternal Truth is changing the universe. As mortals drop off their mental swaddling-clothes, thought expands into expression."

Our Leader has made abundant provision for bringing into the experience of every follower of Christian Science this growth in spiritual understanding, with its wider outlook and its resultant increase of dominion in human affairs. Not content with setting forth her teaching in her textbook, our Leader has protected her followers from the inherent instability and indolence of the human so-called mind by instituting the weekly Lesson-Sermons in the Christian Science Quarterly, which have become for them a part of their daily study. Thus has she encouraged Christian Scientists to be not merely hearers, but faithful students, of the truth she taught. Here is provided daily entrance into realms of thought so profound that they reveal the infinite; yet so simply is the truth unfolded that it is seen to be applicable to the smallest problems of daily living. Questions which have knocked at the door of human consciousness down through the ages are here considered; and ever along the student's path the revealed spiritual truth is to be applied and proved in his own everyday experience.

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