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From the January 1930 issue of The Christian Science Journal

CHRISTIAN SCIENCE unfolds the eternal, indissoluble unity which exists between God and spiritual man, between Mind and Mind's idea. It also teaches that humanity's great need is to learn, through the redeeming Christ-message, that what seems to be a mortal man is only a mortal dream from which men need to awaken, in order to find the real man, eternally reflecting God.

In "Miscellaneous Writings" our Leader has made the following comprehensive statement (pp. 82, 83): "This Mind, then, is not subject to growth, change, or diminution, but is the divine intelligence, or Principle, of all real being; holding man forever in the rhythmic round of unfolding bliss, as a living witness to and perpetual idea of inexhaustible good." If God gave and man misused what he received, the "rhythmic round" would appear to be interrupted, and exhaustion or diminution of the source would seem possible. But this is impossible since it is not in the nature of the real man to fail to be "a living witness to and perpetual idea of" God. Because Christian Science includes both the complete exposition of the unchangeable unity between God and man and the human footsteps by which mortals wake from the dream through the transforming Christ, Truth, God is not presented as unreachable, but, as Jeremiah says, as "a God at hand."

When, as the result of a fall, following long years of physical frailty, Mary Baker Eddy was pronounced beyond human aid, she turned unreservedly to God for healing. She has told us in her published writings how all the experiences of her life seemed to converge toward that wonderful moment when she received the proof that God does heal disease when thought accepts His all-power, and heals just as readily now as He did in the time of the Hebrew prophets, of Christ Jesus, and of his followers for about three hundred years. It was not enough, however, for this Christian woman, who had always put self aside to minister to others, to accept her own healing as a special dispensation of divine mercy. As a Bible student she knew that the teaching given to the world through Christ Jesus included a definite command that his followers should heal the sick. And can we not picture her joy when she actually proved that this command could be, and should be, obeyed in our day?

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