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Testimonies of Healing

About eight years ago I began to...

From the January 1930 issue of The Christian Science Journal

About eight years ago I began to attend the Christian Science services at the request of a friend. Through worry and fear I was so run down physically that it was an effort for me to do the simplest task. During the last seven years, through the study of the textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy, and with the help of practitioners, every vestige of this trouble has been obliterated, and my blessings have been manifold.

In February, 1926, our first baby, a son, was born amid harmonious conditions. For ten days we rejoiced and were happy; but then the baby began to regurgitate after every feeding, and for the following four days ate practically nothing. My husband was not a Christian Scientist, and I was alone so far as relatives were concerned. There was such confusion as to what to do next that I asked the doctor to come back. The doctor seemed as confused as we were, and could give me little assurance. That night I prayed for guidance and called over long-distance telephone many hundreds of miles to a Christian Science practitioner who had helped me previously.

During the next two days my fear was completely met, and although I went through "the valley of the shadow" with the baby during the next few months, I never had a doubt as to the outcome. I could not dismiss the doctor on account of those around me, but I was freed when he told me there was nothing more he could do.

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