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From the January 1930 issue of The Christian Science Journal

AS a mortal turns over the pages of his daily experience, he finds there entries which are both satisfactory and regrettable. With the coming of the New Year, however, his desire doubtless is that these pages may henceforth show ever cleaner records and worthier accomplishments.

Glimpsing the pure origin of man in God's image, and his completeness, the Psalmist cried, "In thy book all my members were written, which in continuance were fashioned, when as yet there was none of them." By spiritual reflection, man in God's likeness possesses every perfect qualification, for he is the ever unfolding expression of God, infinite Mind.

Christian Science teaches that New Year good resolutions are carried steadfastly on to fruition only as, mentally speaking, one stays with the premise of perfect God and perfect man, and therewith purges out the old leaven of mortal belief in evil. So is mortality put off and immortality put on. The finger of God, good, traces only divine thoughts in the consciousness of His likeness; therefore man's real being is forever innocent of evil. How can this fact help mortals to start again with a clean page? By leading them to accept basic Truth as the only reality. In the book of Life eternal, God's consciousness, there is no record of sickness, deformity, or delusion; and this fact, as restated and faithfully applied in Christian Science, heals suffering humanity. Against man in God's image there is no charge of sin, failure, sorrow, inconstancy; and this applied truth enables teachable mortals to make a fresh start from a fresh basis, unhandicapped by their past mistakes of omission or commission. Were a mistaken past continually to overshadow the present and the future, of what avail would Christianity be to humanity?

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