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Putting on record insights into the practice of Christian Science.

During the past two years publishers of newspapers...

During the past two years publishers of newspapers and periodicals have been called upon to meet a situation unprecedented in the history of the publishing business, due to the increased price of paper and other expenses of production. According to a recently published statement by the president of the American Newspaper Publishers' Association, "most of the newspapers of the country have been compelled to increase the subscription price of their papers as well as their advertising rates, in an attempt to obtain earnings sufficient to carry on their business.

In human affairs the line of cleavage between Christ and...

In human affairs the line of cleavage between Christ and anti-Christ is sharply drawn. For many years Mrs.

In the book of Job we find the question, "Where shall wisdom be found? and where is the place of understanding?" Job then goes on to argue that these cannot be found in materiality, and that they are too precious to be purchased by gold, sapphires, or rubies; and all this leads up to the declaration that in God alone can wisdom and understanding be found. Job was at this time passing through a great struggle, so we are told, with physical suffering and the loss of all his earthly possession, as well as the sudden death of his sons and daughters.

We are in receipt of a letter from a friend who asks us...

We are in receipt of a letter from a friend who asks us to say something editorially about "the distribution of literature. " This is a phrase which has easily taken its place in the vocabulary of Christian Scientists because it expresses in few words a denominational activity which in later years has assumed much importance and has accomplished much good.

There can be no question that Christian Science made its first appeal to humanity with the declaration that Mind is the healer of disease and that it includes all reality. Very few, perhaps, paused to argue this proposition, nor did they need to do so, for the evidence of Mind's healing power followed so closely upon the declaration of it that denials were practically ruled out of court.

Christian Science circled the earth and became a...

Christian Science circled the earth and became a world religion in less than half a century. It has taken its place among the recognized Christian denominations having adherents in all parts of the world.

"There is but one way to heaven, harmony," Mrs. Eddy...

" There is but one way to heaven, harmony," Mrs. Eddy writes on page 242 of Science and Health, "and Christ in divine Science shows us this way.

On page 42 of "Miscellaneous Writings" we find this...

On page 42 of "Miscellaneous Writings" we find this wonderfully assuring statement by our revered Leader: "Man is not annihilated, nor does he lose his identity, by passing through the belief called death. " On the same page Mrs.

History records but one touch of mercy as coming from...

History records but one touch of mercy as coming from outside the circle of Jesus' immediate followers during this heartrending mistrial before the Roman judgment seat. This touch came not from Annas or Caiaphas representing the priesthood, not from Herod, "that fox" who mocked Jesus, nor even from the more honest Pilate, but from a totally unexpected source outside the official setting of this terrible scene,—from Pilate's wife.

The new-old miracle of earth's awakening from its winter...

The new-old miracle of earth's awakening from its winter sleep has its parallel in our spiritual experience. The night of sorrow and suffering may envelop us for a season, may even seem to bolt out all that life holds of hope and promise, but through the long dark watches there is yet a ray of light, for we know of a surety that the morning cometh, and we wait patiently for the joy and gladness that follow in its train.