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Putting on record insights into the practice of Christian Science.


There once was a time when strange things were taught, and the lives of men were made unhappy in proportion to the earnestness with which they believed these teachings. One of the things taught in those days was the duty of every man to do good, on the condition that doing good involved his own losing of good.

After coming into Christian Science people often begin...

After coming into Christian Science people often begin to ask to what extent their former religious views concerning the belief of sin and its punishment are in line with the teachings of Science. It may be said that very few religious people apart from Christian Science are at all agreed respecting the punishment of wrong-doers, although the faithful study of the Scriptures throws a wonderful light upon this whole subject.

In the Glossary of Science and Health Mrs. Eddy gives...

In the Glossary of Science and Health Mrs. Eddy gives as the metaphysical definition of the name of the river Gihon, "The rights of woman acknowledged morally, civilly, and socially" ( p.

This is the ninth month, though by its name it is numbered...

This is the ninth month, though by its name it is numbered the seventh. It marks the time when harvests are gathered, and fruit glows on the orchard trees, rich and glorious compared with the pallid blossoms of spring.

True censorship is necessary, but how shall it be exercised?...

True censorship is necessary, but how shall it be exercised? Shall mortal mind or divine Mind set down and apply the rules for the conduct of mankind? Mrs. Eddy's writings strike the keynote of the chord of harmony by which the discords of mortal mind are censored.

In a wonderful way, yet withal briefly, St. Paul defines the destiny of Christians in every age and among all peoples when he says at the beginning of his first epistle to the Corinthians that they are "called to be saints.

In these days of so-called "big business," when we talk of...

In these days of so-called "big business," when we talk of billions of money as lightly as we used to talk of thousands, it is well for Christian Scientists not to be swept off their feet by the mesmerism of enthusiasm and large figures. We have not far to seek to find the reason and occasion for Christian Scientists to be moderate in their views, our revered Leader with her marvelous foresight having clearly set forth "God's requirement" in this direction in Section 5 of Article XXIV of the Church Manual.

It is possible that there are none outside of the Christian Science movement who are aware that all its activities are related in a most vital way to the church. It is even possible that a good many within the ranks do not readily recognize the significance of this fact, but it is bound to grow upon the student's thought as he advances along the line of demonstration.

Jewish prophets were statesmen as well as religious...

Jewish prophets were statesmen as well as religious leaders, because the Jewish state was theocratic. Jeremiah's career seems to have exemplified this fact in a particular manner.

In her address before the Alumni of the Massachusetts Metaphysical College in 1895, our revered Leader said: "The systematized centers of Christian Science are life-giving fountains of truth. Our churches, The Christian Science Journal, and the Christian Science Quarterly, are prolific sources of spiritual power whose intellectual, moral, and spiritual animus is felt throughout the land.