Generous impulses and spontaneous joys in well–doing are accompaniments of growth in Christian Science. Bugle calls to activity are constantly resounding over the sleeping camps of the mentally lazy, arousing those who should be spiritual warriors to unfurl the standard of Truth and advance against the enemies of mankind. Somnolence and timidity never yet won adherents to a righteous cause, nor delivered humanity from the traps of stereotyped selfishness.
Right activity is a necessary benefit resulting from the teaching of Christian Science. As a powerful engine pumps activity into a machine, so Christian Science sets in harmonious motion the mind and body of man, regenerating him through and through. In the Christian Science movement The Mother Church supplies a directing power which reaches to every group of Scientists and "to earth's remotest bounds." Spiritually conceived the church is a universal benefactress illuming dark places with the good cheer of genuine joy. It is not a kill–joy as scholasticism would have the world believe.
The need of the hour among all Christian people is that the evil which seeks to dominate the world should be destroyed and that the spiritually minded should be freed from false theology. As Mrs. Eddy has written in defining the word church on page 583 of Science and Health, "The Church is that institution, which affords proof of its utility and is found elevating the race, rousing the dormant understanding from material beliefs to the apprehension of spiritual ideas and the demonstration of divine Science, thereby casting out devils, or error, and healing the sick."