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Putting on record insights into the practice of Christian Science.

The history of the Church contains many a chapter...

Spirit and matter neither concur in man, nor in the universe,throughout the infinite cycles of eternal existence. — Science and Health, p.

Those who do not understand Christian Science are...

Those who do not understand Christian Science are sometimes prone to believe that its followers are at war with the physicians, and that they even cherish a sense of personal antagonism toward them, but this is not true. At the time of the recent Communion and the dedication of the Extension of The Mother Church of Christ, Scientist, some of the newspaper paragraphers were inclined to make merry over the fact that the Christian Scientists were arriving in Boston before the physicians in attendance upon the convention of the American Medical Association had departed, and the reason for this merriment was the supposed personal enmity between these two classes.

Mrs. Eddy says, "Home is the dearest spot on earth,...

MRS. EDDY says, "Home is the dearest spot on earth, and it should be the center, though not the boundary of the affections" (Science and Health, p.

It has been said of our Sunday services and Wednesday...

IT has been said of our Sunday services and Wednesday evening meetings that they are so correlated as to be in reality a single service, and that this harmonious blending of the two is recognized even by those who are not Christian Scientists, is shown by an article in a recent issue of The Church World, written by a contributor who visited The Mother Church of Christ, Scientist, and who was greatly impressed by the large midsummer congregations which she saw there. She says that she "could not think that the Sunday service alone explained the hold of their belief upon them, though they evidently appreciated the opportunity to worship together.

The Christian teaching that there is but one source of...

Truth is truth to the end of reckoning. Shakespeare.


[ The following letter to Mrs. Eddy, as well as the clipping from the Boston Herald which accompanies it, will be read with pleasure by all her friends and followers, and we are sure that they will join us in thanking the city government for its prompt and generous response to the suggestion for the improvement of the streets, made by a distinguished citizen of Concord.

The insistence of Christian Science upon the necessity of giving up our material concepts of God and man has its warrant in the Scriptures, a fact which carries weight with many even before they see scientifically the reason for leaving the imperfect in order to gain the perfect. In the prophecy of Isaiah we find the statement, "Behold, I create new heavens and a new earth: and the former shall not be remembered, nor come into mind.

A College president made a public statement not...

A College president made a public statement not long since, to the effect that the Bible is becoming more obsolete every day, and the significance of the declaration was emphasized by the fact that in the religious press comment on the subject it was generally conceded to be true, so far as the great body of the people are concerned. Further significance attaches to the matter when we remember that within the last twenty-five years, in addition to the revision of the text, numerous modern English translations and other aids to an intelligent reading of the Scriptures have been issued.


We are much pleased to give the place of honor in this issue to our Leader's timely, brave, and significant article, "Personal Contagion," which appears above, because we look upon it as one of the most important statements of inspired truth that she has given to the world since the publication of the Christian Science text-book. We feel sure that all true Christian Scientists will so regard it and, as they ponder its vital message, they will express their gratitude for it in good works.

When Jesus was questioned as to his Messiahship...

When Jesus was questioned as to his Messiahship, "Art thou he that should come, or do we look for another?" he answered, "Go and shew John again those things which ye do hear and see: The blind receive their sight, and the lame walk, the lepers are cleansed, and the deaf hear, the dead are raised up, and the poor have the gospel preached to them. " He did not depend upon mere words for the verification of his doctrine.