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Putting on record insights into the practice of Christian Science.

Most men would readily agree that the true rank of...

As wider skies broke on his view God greatened in his growing mind. Sam Walter Foss.


The anonymous letter is universally regarded as the refuge of those who have not the courage to stand fairly for their opinions. It would seem that our Leader's untiring work for humanity earns her the right to expect that all communications addressed to her shall be signed.

Will our readers kindly bear in mind that the work at headquarters is necessarily divided into departments, also that by referring to the advertising pages of the Journal and Sentinel they will be able to ascertain the person or persons to whom their correspondence should be addressed in order to avoid delay. Mr.

The truth is intolerant of every law save that of its...

Willingness .

In a recent religious discussion as to what may properly be defined as skepticism, the statement was made that "If the apostolic church had made the acceptance of dogma the condition of membership, it would have excommunicated Thomas. " It is not surprising if in this age of reason and scientific inquiry there are many ready to defend the position taken by Thomas in demanding evidence in support of a statement made by others, but it is surely proper to inquire as to the ultimate value of physical evidence in establishing spiritual facts.

Those persons who are attempting to secure legislation...

Those persons who are attempting to secure legislation against the practice of Christian Science and in favor of the practice of medicine,if they mean to be consistent,should take the ground that the latter is unfailingly efficacious and its results uniformly satisfactory,but we doubt whether any one will go to this extreme in his advocacy of legislation which says in effect that the sick must be healed by medicine or surgery,or not at all. It is noticeable that many prominent physicians have taken radical ground against such an assumption,and not a few have utterly repudiated the belief that drugs have in themselves an inherent power over disease.


Methinks the loving parents and guardians of youth ofttimes query: How shall we cheer the children's Christmas and profit them withal? The wisdom of their elders, who seek wisdom of God, seems to have amply provided for this, according to the custom of the age and to the full supply of juvenile joy. Let it continue thus, with one exception; namely, the children should not be taught to believe that Santa Claus has aught to do with this pastime.

Another Christmas season has come and gone and...

ANOTHER Christmas season has come and gone and the dawn of a new year is upon us. These anniversaries never come without asking us momentous questions as to our progress,—whether the Christ to whom we professedly open our doors at Christmas-tide has remained with us, a welcome guest, throughout the year, so that our concept of Immanuel has grown until we no longer think of him as a babe in swaddling-clothes, but of the divine manhood enthroned in our consciousness as God with us, the "Wonderful, Counselor,.

A FALSE sense of things furnishes the only hiding-place for the pretence of evil. It makes many a daring sally from this covert, but it must needs maintain constant connection therewith, for only here can its false claim of power be made.

The healing of the sick is now largely acknowledged...

THE healing of the sick is now largely acknowledged and accepted as the legitimate outcome of the teachings of "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mrs. Eddy, and it is interesting to note in the great number of testimonies of healing through Christian Science which come to us for publication, there are many in which the healing has been the direct result of reading this textbook, for the history of Science and Health records that ever since its publication the sick have been healed by it; and this healing is one of the most tangible proofs that Christian Science is the truth.