Putting on record insights into the practice of Christian Science.
To the Editor of The Herald . A dispatch from Amesbury, Mass.
[Excerpt from a letter. ] Frank N.
What is called the higher criticism of the Bible is awakening fresh interest on account of some recent utterances by one of the teachers in the University of Chicago as reported in the daily papers. According to these reports the Bible is declared to be "inferior to many profane documents being inartistic and fragmentary.
On several occasions our readers have been reminded that no money, or orders for literature should be sent to the editorial department. We again desire to call attention to this, and at the same time would request all our contributors to write on one side of the paper only, and always to leave sufficient space between the lines for possible corrections.
One of the duties imposed upon The Christian Science Publishing Society is that of passing upon the eligibility of the churches and societies which seek to have their services announced in the official organ of the denomination and thus become identified as component parts of The Church of Christ, Scientist. The individuals' who have this duty to perform have frequently found themselves seriously hampered in their work by reason of the loose methods and lack of proper organization which prevail in some of the smaller churches and societies.
In an age of aggressive commercialism and material aggrandizement, questions concerning rights of possession and of property can but acquire great prominence, and it is not surprising, therefore, that to-day, as never before, many claims as to "Mine" and "Thine" are being vigorously challenged. This challenge is world-wide, insistent, vital.
I have the pleasure of saying, that, on June 27, 1905, my beloved student, Mrs. Augusta E.
First Number of "The Book of the Presidents" sent to Christian Science Leader—Only Woman whose Biography Appears. [ We are indebted to The Boston Herald for the following interesting article regarding our Leader's copy of "The Book of the Presidents," which she has recently received.
Is God infinite? Yes. Did God make man? Yes.
The request from Mrs. Eddy which follows was published in the Christian Science Sentinel of July 1.