AT a recent annual convention of one of the largest and most honored Christian bodies, the report of church growth, for the year, revealed the fact that only one for every twenty-seven hundred of the "great mass of people, who as is fairly presumed, are not receiving religious instruction at home" had been received into the church; and the presiding bishop is reported to have commented upon the subject in the following words:"—
"'What things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them.' Granting that the time of miraculous healing for the sick, together with other things of this nature that Christ taught, is no longer possible and I grant it only for the sake of argument even then is it right that we should be satisfied with one soul out of every twenty-seven hundred?
"If we have done our utmost, then God has failed us. This, we know, He has not done. The trouble is we are satisfied with too little. We have asked for the one soul and God has given it to us."