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Testimonies of Healing

It is with a heart full of gratitude for the many blessings...

From the September 1905 issue of The Christian Science Journal

It is with a heart full of gratitude for the many blessings I have received through the study and practice of Christian Science, that I give this testimony of healing, with the earnest desire that all who read it may receive encouragement and help. Two years ago I came to Colorado, on account of consumption. I had been treated by four of the best physicians in Pittsburg, Pa., also in Cleveland, O., and was advised by them all to seek another climate, since they could do nothing more for me. After living in this beautiful climate for a number of months, instead of improving I found myself growing worse. I coughed almost all the time, and was so thin and weak that I could walk scarcely a block without resting. After coming to Denver, my stomach began to give me trouble, and in a short time I could eat nothing without intense suffering. I was treated by two physicians here, but they also failed to give me any relief. At this time I was about to go home and give up the struggle, when I was asked to try Christian Science.

I began to read "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mrs. Eddy. In a short: time I secured the help of a practitioner, and after four months' treatment and study, I had improved sufficiently to take care of myself. Not long after, I was entirely healed. A year ago last Christmas I weighed but one hundred and twenty pounds to-day I am a strong, well man weighing two hundred and seventeen pounds. I have also been healed of headache, catarrh, and stomach trouble.

I have read and studied nothing but the Bible and Christian Science literature for over two years, and not one drop of medicine has passed my lips in that time. I have learned beyond question that God, the divine Principle, does sustain man. The happiness, joy, and contentment that come with this healing and spiritual uplifting can be appreciated only by those who have been healed by divine Truth. For all this, and many other blessings, I am indeed thankful to God, and to our dear Leader. —

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