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Testimonies of Healing

Four years ago I was convinced that I could live but a...

From the September 1905 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Four years ago I was convinced that I could live but a short time, and the dulness of despair was so unbearable that I felt but one regret, and that was the sorrow my death would bring to my family. Within two years I had lost four sisters from tuberculosis, two of them having died within one week, and from the standpoint of materia medica my own condition was very alarming. Christian Science was suggested to me by one not a Scientist, as a possible means of relieving my terrible melancholy. So little did I know of the treatment that I did not think an attempt would be made to relieve me physically, and I expected to consult a specialist in San Francisco the following week. I found the practitioner to whom I was directed to be a Jewish woman, a fact that then impressed me as strange, considering the name, Christian Science. When I left her I was convinced of one fact viz., that I need not have consumption, and my relief was so great that I felt as if my feet scarcely touched the pavement as I went to the car.

My parents were then persuaded to try the treatment for my sixteen-year-old sister, whom the physicians claimed could not live longer than a few months. She was healed in one week's treatment, and where our family had sunk into the lethargy of despair and sorrow, we were now enabled to break the mortal law that pointed only to death.

Aside from the acute condition, I had been a terrible sufferer from nervousness since a child being unable, the greater part of the time, to sleep without the use of drugs. I am now in perfect health, and the healing in my family has attracted much interest to Christian Science. In an adjacent town, where it was previously unknown, a con-considerable number of the most prominent people are reading the text-book, and, considering the newness of the thought here, the frequent expressions of admiration and wonder at its revelations are remarkable.

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