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Testimonies of Healing

Since Christian Science was brought to me, two and a...

From the September 1905 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Since Christian Science was brought to me, two and a half years ago, my blessings have indeed been manifold. Before that time I was sick in body and despondent in mind, while now I am well, strong, and happy. In 1898 I was compelled to give up teaching, on account of spinal trouble. I had a slight lateral curvature of the spine, probably from babyhood, the physician said, although it had never pained me until I was about fifteen. Then, through overwork at school, I began to suffer from it, and would often have to lie flat on my back till the pain had ceased. After teaching a few years, the constant standing, worry,and nervous strain aggravated the trouble, until there was pain, not only in the spine but in every part of the body, particularly in my sides and chest, so that I could stand or walk only with great distress. A plaster cast was put on, with the hope that I could still continue teaching, but I was soon told I must give up all thought of that. The cast was worn but a short time, and then was taken off by another physician, who said I only needed rest. I rested a year, keeping off my feet as much as possible, taking all kinds of medicines constantly to keep up my general health. At the end of that time I seemed to be much improved, and I hoped permanently so. Then my brothers and I began housekeeping, but after a few months I was suffering as severely as ever. The next three years were years of alternate suffering and relief, —that is, relief only so long as I practised the utmost care in everything I did. This life of constant carefulness and drug-taking was bondage to me. I despaired of ever being strong and well, or of being able to continue my work.

Christian Science was then brought to my notice and I began treatments. In two weeks I was able to take a walk of three miles without suffering or fatigue, and in a short time was perfectly free from pain in my back and could do what I wished without any bad result. At the end of five months I applied for a position in the schools, but as there was no vacancy I did substitute work until Christmas time, when I was given a permanent place. I have been teaching two years and never have had the least pain in my back, although I stand all day, walk two miles, and, until this year, have had some of my housework to do besides. I was also completely cured of nervousness, melancholia, and many other ills.

When a young girl I had an experience that gave me a great deal of unhappiness, and time did not assuage my sorrow, but as ill health came on this unhappiness developed into melancholia. There were days when to speak was difficult, and an effort to smile brought the tears. Our home was enveloped in gloom, but Christian Science has brought into it the sunshine of Truth and has dispelled the darkness. I now know that that which seemed to cause me distress has no power either to make or mar my happiness, and I am freer and more satisfied than I was, even as a child. Christian Science has helped me in a social and business way. It has given me confidence in my ability to attend to my business affairs, because I know that it is not I, "but the Father, ...he doeth the works." It has enabled me and to meet my old friends and to make new ones, with a sense of love that I never felt before.

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