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Testimonies of Healing

Three years ago I was effectually debarred from any...

From the September 1905 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Three years ago I was effectually debarred from any kind of clerical work by an eye trouble which the doctors called hypermetropia, and astigmatism which was of some fifteen years' standing. During the last six years, I had "suffered many things" from some of the best-known eye specialists in this State, but grew steadily worse. The last specialist with whom I treated, admitted the failure of his treatment, saying he knew what the matter was, but that he had given me the regulation treatment for such cases and that, as it had failed, he could do no more. The symptoms were violent sick-headaches, racking pains in the eyeballs, intolerance of light, inability to look steadily at anything or anybody, with the general incapacity which cannot fail to accompany such conditions. I finally lost a promising position in a law firm because I could no longer perform its duties. The shock of this last disaster, which seemed to be the final one of a long series of harrowing experiences, was very great. Estrangement of all ties of blood, and other dark clouds, were driving thick and fast against the physical disability, causing a loss of all peace of mind, a state which bordered on despair. These were a few of the things which made it seem that relief must come at once from some source, and which caused me to turn in disgust from the old system of paralyzing drugs and spectacles. The year before, I had read a little of Christian Science, simply because I had never been satisfied to hear of anything new without investigating it so I already knew something of the claims of Christian Science, and having lost all hope of material help, I came to Minneapolis and placed myself unreservedly under Christian Science care, discarding for good all other modes of treatment.

After deciding on Christian Science treatment, my first impulse was to seek a situation. My first application was successful, and I was offered a salary which for me had never seemed within the range of possibilities. At the same time, I had a great fear that I would not be able to hold this position a week. I think perhaps the most distressing phase of my trouble was a constant fear that I would soon find myself unable to make anything like adequate provision for my family. In my preliminary talk with the practitioner I was assured that Christian Science was just as potent to overcome poverty as any other form of discord, and that I need not fear to lay aside my glasses and go to work. I went to work after the second treatment, and took two more at the lunch hour of the two following days. Since that time I have had but a very occasional and slight suggestion of the old trouble, have never used glasses or medicine, or lost a day's work on account of my eyes. My earning capacity has increased so much that in less than two years of Christian Science study and effort my salary is double that with which I started, and I am filling a permanent position under the United States government.

One of the most wonderful things to me is the remarkable character of two or three demonstrations that I have been able to make, with the understanding I have obtained from less than two years' study. It would require too much space to describe them at this time, but suffice it to say that I have come to understand how Christian healing is done, and have had many conclusive proofs that Christian Science is the Truth, the Comforter that Jesus said should bring all things to our remembrance. What our beloved Leader has done toward the fulfilment of this promise, time will reveal to all. Every Christian Scientist knows full well through whose ministry it is that they are entering daily and hourly into a promised land of which the terrestrial Canaan was but a feeble type.

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