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Testimonies of Healing

From childhood, until fourteen years ago, I never knew...

From the September 1905 issue of The Christian Science Journal

From childhood, until fourteen years ago, I never knew a day when I felt perfectly well. At this time I was led, through the healing of one of the family, to study the book, Science and Health by Mrs. Eddy, and it made the promises in the Bible so clear that my healing was accomplished in four weeks. In the fourteen years since then, I have had reason to thank God daily for the knowledge of this truth. One day I had read the lesson in our Christian Science Quarterly on "Mortals and Immortals," and as I went about my work the first section was constantly before me, with the thought that only as we deny materiality does our true being appear and error is powerless. I was melting paraffine, and in lifting the cover from the stove the pan was upset on the coals. As the flames spread up, I thought, This is not of God's creating. The fire was put out quickly and no harm was done to the room. My face was slightly burned, but my arm from finger-tips to elbow was severely burned. The pain seemed intense, but I tried to meet it with declarations of its unreality, and as soon as the excitement was quieted I went to my room. After declaring the truth for half an hour, all pain left, and I went on a picnic in the afternoon. I was not, however, able to demonstrate over the appearance, for there was a large blister. This occurred Friday, and by depending entirely on the power of divine Truth, a week from the following Sunday my hand was perfectly healed, —not a scar nor any stiffness left.

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