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Putting on record insights into the practice of Christian Science.

June tells of the sweetest fulfilment of hope, and in its warm sunshine the dreariest and coldest winter days are forgotten. As we look upon its prodigal display of beauty, we are impressed with the seemingly rapid transition from the bareness of the trees and fields in the early spring, to the present hour when they appear "with verdure clad," and we may well recall the Master's words, "If God so clothe the grass of the field, which to-day is, and tomorrow is cast into the oven, shall he not much more clothe you?" In nature's great panorama mortals behold a manifestation of God's perfect ideas which, however, are but imperfectly discerned through the distorting lenses of material sense.


The Magna Charta of Christian Science means much, multum in parvo, —all-in-one and one-in-all. It stands for the inalienable, universal rights of men.


I Beg to inform my beloved members of the Mother Church that the By-law in Article XXVI. of its Manual does not require members of benevolent and progressive organizations, such as the Free Masons, Odd Fellows, temperance societies, and those of similar cult, to resign this membership.

Among the many invaluable lessons given us by our Leader, that on "Obedience" is a chart and compass to the worker in Christian Science at whatever stage of his progress he may be. In it she says, "Obedience is the offspring of Love; and Love is the Principle of unity, the basis of all right thinking and acting; it fulfils the law.

The world has always been greatly enamored of a...

The sun, the moon, the stars Send no such light upon the ways of men As one great deed. Man am I grown, a man's work must I do.

The following from the news columns of a daily paper is of considerable interest as indicating the religious unrest of the present day, manifest in the ceaseless effort of humanity to free itself from the materialistic concept of the Scriptures which, for centuries, has been a stumbling-block to the spiritual advancement of the race. [From the New York Tribune.


The following tribute from the pen of Mr. Alfred Farlow expresses in part, at least, the love and admiration felt for the high qualities of our brother and co-worker by thousands who knew him through his far-reaching and successful efforts for the advancement of our holy Cause.


Article XVI. Easter Observances.

Each makes the world he sees,. In space or Centuries; Who would see all things best, Must have eyes holiest.

Our Leader says that "Spiritual teaching must always be by symbols" (Science and Health, p. 575).