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Putting on record insights into the practice of Christian Science.

To put move faith in lies and hate than in Truth and Love is the work of Atheism. —James Russell Lowell.

What ye want is light—indeed Not sunlight— .

"' No medicine in a bottle ever cured tuberculosis,' said Dr. Homer M.


The action of the church at Colorado Springs, disclosed in the following letter to Mr. Chase, will appeal to every Christian Scientist as a truly unselfish manifestation of love and loyalty to The Mother Church and to our Leader.

A REASONABLE basis for belief in any theory is now generally demanded, and the mere fact that certain opinions have been held by the majority for a certain period no longer warrants their perpetuation in the light of clearer views. Although Christian Scientists were advised by their Leader to submit to vaccination until popular opinion became sufficiently enlightened to demand its abolition, they rejoice to see unmistakable signs of changed thought on this subject, and this is being freely expressed by many who have not accepted Christian Science.

"Whatsoever inspires with wisdom, Truth, or Love— be it song, Sermon, or Science —blesses the human family with crumbs of comfort from Christ's table, feeding the hungry, and giving living waters to the thirsty. "— Science and Health, P.

AN interview with Mrs. Naething, a prominent club woman, which appeared in the New York Evening Telegram a short time ago, will be read with especial interest by Christian Scientists, because the stand taken by this lady is in accord with at least one of the reasons advanced for the adoption of the Mother Church By-law, "Church Organizations Ample.

Surely "the world do move," and the changed attitude of the great body of intelligent people toward Christian Science is in evidence. The time when it simply amused, and the period of more serious indifference or contempt, has long since passed, as has also, well-nigh, that of offensive criticism.

The eventful month of July has passed into history, and will be recalled by Christian Scientists in association with the laying of the corner-stone of the enlarged Mother Church, and the dedication of the church in Concord. It is characteristic of Christian Science that its followers not only seek to understand its higher lessons, but also "the human footsteps leading thereto" (Science and Health, p.

The dedication of our Leader's munificent gift to First Church of Christ, Scientist, in her home city, was an event of great importance to our Cause, and it brought together in Concord a large number of Christian Scientists from all parts of the United States, as well as some from foreign lands, their desire being to pay their tribute of love and loyalty to Mrs. Eddy, to whom they are so deeply indebted.