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"No medicine in a bottle ever cured tuberculosis,' said...

From the October 1904 issue of The Christian Science Journal

"'No medicine in a bottle ever cured tuberculosis,' said Dr. Homer M. Thomas of Chicago in an address before the Chautauqua Assembly at Ottawa, Ill., on Saturday. 'The four basic principles upon which rests salvation from tuberculosis,' said the speaker, 'are, pure air, pure water, pure food, pure thoughts'

"In this keynote utterance of a very thoughtful and carefully prepared address are summed up the results of twenty-five years of scientific struggle for the mastery of the white scourge, which has demonstrated the absolute failure to effect a cure with drugs."

The above item, which we copy from a recent issue of the Chicago Record-Herald, is but one of the many indications that the medical profession is fast losing confidence in the efficacy of drugs for the cure of the so-called serious forms of disease, and, for that matter, for the cure of any disease. The most significant statement, however, is that "pure thoughts" contribute to the preservation of health,— a statement which we believe would not have been made had Science and Health never been written.

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