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Testimonies of Healing

About three years ago my attention was first seriously...

From the October 1904 issue of The Christian Science Journal

About three years ago my attention was first seriously drawn to Christian Science. Although I had been suffering from severe nervous indigestion for about eight years, and was constantly taking drugs which did not help me at all, it was not the healing only that drew me to Christian Science. Its wonderfully practical side appealed to me; and the feeling that I could take my religion into business with me gave me great happiness. I had never been satisfied with religion as presented to me in the old way. I was not happy without a God to worship and love, and yet I could not accept the Bible as generally understood. Partly out of curiosity, I at first began to ask questions, and although my attitude was decidedly antagonistic, my inquiries were all met in such a loving, patient way, and the answers were so satisfactory, that I was unconsciously drawn into serious contemplation of the subject.

I did not have any treatments for some days after my first conversation with the dear Scientist whom I had gone to see. She did not suggest treatments, nor did I tell her that up to the day I called on her I had been taking medicine regularly. Some months later, however, I realized that unconsciously I had dropped my medicine. Although it still stood on my dressing-table I had not given it a thought. That was over three years ago, and I have never suffered from that old ailment since. Many times, however, error has tried to make me turn from the new path and go back to my old way of living and to materia medica, but I found that the old life had lost its charm and no longer interested me, the drugs did me no good, and I was glad to leave it all and return to Christian Science.

I have found that it is not necessary to have big demonstrations constantly to convince us of the presence of God, for whenever I have tried to live up to my understanding of Science, and have faithfully done my work, and am sincere in my efforts to do right, everything moves airing so smoothly and harmoniously that there is little to demonstrate over.

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