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Testimonies of Healing

I became interested in Christian Science some two years...

From the October 1904 issue of The Christian Science Journal

I became interested in Christian Science some two years ago through an experience of the healing power of the Christ-truth in destroying for me internal troubles which had baffled the physicians for some time. They said both kidneys were floating and that nothing short of an operation could give me any help, that there would have to be two incisions made, and that it would cost me five hundred dollars without the hospital fee. As to my health ever being any better, it would be a question; really it was the only resort. Prior to this I went through an operation four years before, had one kidney stitched, the appendix removed, also an ovarian tumor. After the operation I did not eat any solid food for eleven days, took hot water and medicine, as the physician said I had dry catarrh, also other internal troubles too numerous to mention. They gave me massage treatment with alcohol baths. I was rubbed twice a clay with a flesh brush for two years, took treatments of one physician, a specialist, nine months, of another six months, then went to an osteopath; and changed climate without the least benefit. Kind physicians did all in their power, but at last the verdict was the knife or death, and with vitality so low that it was doubtful if I could go through the operation. My despair was terrible, but infinite Love was brooding over all, and when all earthly props failed and I was ready to surrender unconditionally, I heard of Christian Science.

My prayer is that infinite wisdom, Truth, and Love may make and keep me ever worthy to be found in the upward and onward march of the true Christian Scientist. I realize that I owe endless gratitude to divine Love and to my worthy practitioner who has been instrumental in helping me both physically and spiritually. Now I see what Jesus meant when he said, "Come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest." My heart goes out in gratitude to God, and to Mrs. Eddy for the work she has done and is still doing for the world. I am more than grateful that God has guided me to the truth that I may have life and have it "more abundantly."

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