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Testimonies of Healing

I have hesitated for a long time to write to the Journal...

From the October 1904 issue of The Christian Science Journal

I have hesitated for a long time to write to the Journal for the reason which no doubt many others have,—the seeming inability to find words to express the bountiful blessings which have come to me, and which I could never have known had not "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" been given us by our Leader. By its teaching I have been raised up from death's door. Christian Science came to me when I was lying a perfect wreck, having exhausted the skill of the best physicians in Chicago, Minneapolis, and several smaller cities. I was persuaded to try it by having it brought to me in three most convincing ways. There was nothing left for me to cling to, and I was trying to find a God whom I was told had seen fit to punish me and take me to Him, and I was glad indeed to find from a Christian Scientist that God is Love, and if I would lay down every idol I would find myself in His loving arms.

A bowel trouble caused from adhesions in their worst form, and which had been almost too painful to bear, yielded to the first treatment. In Minneapolis I had undergone an operation for this trouble which was worse than death, and then I suffered another year of torture, only to be sent back by my local physician for another operation. I never expected to return alive, and was told after many painful examinations that they could do nothing for me. I had also suffered for years with lung and heart trouble. This was in the winter. They said all was done that could be, and I knew that all my physicians were very sorry, and that they would gladly have done more for me.

In July I was told I could not live longer than September, if so long. Then how my heart cried out to find God, but all seemed dark, so dark, no God. The ministers, when questioned as to where to find Him, could only hang their heads; but in that dense darkness, after long days and nights of awful agony and pain, not sleeping for six nights and days, Christian Science appeared like a distant star, and a hope, faint but true, arose in my breast. I tried having the book read to me; all else dropped away; this book was all, and soon I could read for myself. I did not understand, but saw the light, began to feel the peace, and knew I was going to be ushered into a new world.

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