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Testimonies of Healing

I should like to express my gratitude through the...

From the October 1904 issue of The Christian Science Journal

I should like to express my gratitude through the medium of the Journal for what Christian Science has already done for me. I had suffered very severely with stomach trouble from childhood, which was considered hereditary, and had lived on a very rigid diet of liquid foods. Two years previous to my healing I had suffered from a sore mouth, caused by the stomach. The doctor said it would take a year before I, could be cured, if then. I became deeply interested in Christian Science in this way; my mother, father, and myself were invited to take New Year's dinner (1901) with my grandmother. I went with the discouraged feeling that I could not enjoy myself, for I would not dare to touch any solid food, if I did I would have to suffer the consequences; but on arriving there I met a Christian Scientist who talked to me. The outcome of this conversation was that I ate a very hearty dinner (to the amazement of my parents) without feeling any distress whatever. On returning home I disposed of all the medicine which I had received the day before from my physician. Through the reading of our text-book, Science and Health, and some treatments, I was entirely healed in one week. Since then I have found Christian Science to be a great help and strength to me in my music, especially in public work.

I am very grateful to God and to Mrs. Eddy, our dear Leader, for this truth which has brought back to us the Christ healing, and my most earnest desire is to follow the Christ.—

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