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It is interesting to note that in the leading papers, both...

From the October 1904 issue of The Christian Science Journal

What ye want is light—indeed
Not sunlight— . . . .
. . . but God's light organized
In some high soul crowned capable to lead
The conscious people,—conscious and advised,—
For if we lift a people like mere clay
It falls the same.

Elizabeth Barrett Browning.

It is interesting to note that in the leading papers, both secular and religious, there is an ever-increasing disposition to appeal to the teachings of the great Prophet of Nazareth for a solution of the many vexed problems of human existence—problems which are proving themselves hopeless of solution by material means. An editorial of this class appeared recently in a Chicago daily under the title, "The Golden Rule," which urges the necessity of a higher understanding of Christ's teachings before they are applied for the betterment of the world's unhappy conditions. It says,—

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