[The following letter from our Leader appeared in the Concord papers of June 15, and we know that those who experienced the hospitality of the citizens of Concord will thank her for having expressed the sentiments which all felt so deeply.]
Dear Mr. Editor:—Allow me through your paper to thank the citizens of Concord for the generous hospitality extended yesterday to the members of my church, The Mother Church of Boston.
After the Christian Science periodicals had given notice that no preparations would be made for a large gathering at this annual meeting of the Mother Church, I scarcely supposed that a note, sent at the last moment, would bring thousands here yesterday. As many gifts had come from Christian Scientists everywhere, to help furnish and beautify our new church building in Concord, it came to me, why not invite those who attend the Communion in Boston to take a peep at this church edifice, on the day when there are no formal exercises at the denominational headquarters? The number of visitors, about four thousand, exceeded my expectation and my heart welcomed each and all. It was a glad day for me—sweet to observe with what unanimity my fellow-citizens vied with each other to make the Christian Scientists' short stay so pleasant.