Oh Life Divine!
That at each morning's waking hour.
Fills me with longing high to do and dare;
Strong to stand firm upon the promises.
Cleanse Thou my thought so free from taint of sin
The white-robed Christ will come and enter in
And there abide, till Truth shall have full sway,
And rend away this seeming power
That stood between eternal Love and me,
And make me strong in Love's high ministry
To raise the dead, to stand beside the couch of pain
With faith so clear in ever-present Life,
That he who suffered much,
May feel the touch of Love's cool palm
Upon his fevered brow, and rise again
To know the Truth that makes men free.
Dear Life Divine!
Thrill with new life my being, till
This darkened sense of mine
Shall glow with full orbed radiance,
And I be lifted up above
Earth's trammels, and draw
With golden cords of love Divine
All needy ones unto the living God;
That they may gaze with longing, hungry eyes
Upon the pure white Christ,
And be transformed into His image fair.