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Testimonies of Healing

I am frequently asked why I gave up the practice of medicine...

From the July 1904 issue of The Christian Science Journal

I am frequently asked why I gave up the practice of medicine to become a Christian Scientist? My reply is brief :

That I might know God; "whom to know aright is Life eternal" (Science and Health, Pref. p. vii.).

I am struck with the directness and simplicity of the words of Jesus, the Christ, who said, "Seek, and ye shall find." All my life long I had sought diligently with an honest, earnest, longing heart to find God as a Saviour, an ever-present help, only to be disappointed over and over again. I knew God by the hearing of the ear ; but to behold Him with the eye of an enlightened understanding, to realize the shelter of His hovering wing, His protecting care from the storms of material life, awaited the dawning of that day when Christian Science— the light of revealed Truth— should burst full-orbed upon the human senses, illuminating every dark recess and revealing every hidden chamber and channel where mortal mind held sway and found an avenue through which to voice itself.

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