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Testimonies of Healing

Nearly twelve years ago my attention was specially...

From the July 1904 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Nearly twelve years ago my attention was specially called to Christian Science by a friend, who brought Science and Health and asked me if I did not want to read it a little while that day? I did have a curiosity to find out what Christian Science is, as I had spent a good deal of time investigating other, so-called, advanced ideas as well as reading many orthodox religious books, chiefly perhaps because these books were well written rather rather than because their theories had anything satisfying in them. I was then adrift both as to religion and the philosophy of life; near to being an agnostic, dissatisfied and unhappy.

I began to read Science and Health at eleven o'clock the night of the day it was brought to me, and although I had never done such a thing before, I began with the Preface. I looked wearily at the clock as I sat down, thinking I must read some that night, no matter if I was sleepy, weary, aching, for I had promised to do so. The very first sentence arrested my attention, and when I next looked at the clock it pointed to one. For two hours I had been perfectly oblivious of time and all aching and sleepiness had disappeared. I could have read on all night had not prudence suggested that I go to bed.

The next morning the lady came for her book and asked if I had read any of it. When I replied, "Yes, a little last night," she said, "I must have my book now, but will lend it to you again some other time." I said, "No, you need not," at which she looked quite disappointed, but I immediately gave her the money and asked her to get one for me, as I had read enough to see that I could not investigate Christian Science with a borrowed book. She made a point to get it that day, and I began and read it every moment I could possibly spare from my business, early in the morning and very late at night.

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