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Putting on record insights into the practice of Christian Science.

A healing Church

When Christ Jesus founded his church on the rock of Christ, he immediately proclaimed its inviolate nature with the words "And the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. " Matt.

The living Word

God's first creative words, as recorded in the Bible, were "Let there be light. "   Gen.

At the threshold of history

It is a conviction that permeates the writings of the woman who discovered and founded Christian Science: we live in a time of massive, significant transition for mankind. "Truth's immortal idea," Mary Baker Eddy writes, "is sweeping down the centuries, gathering beneath its wings the sick and sinning.

Improbabilities in a season of questions and prayer

The birth of Jesus is one of the most improbable stories. Think of all the unlikely events that were part of it.

Christmas—a time of giving and receiving

The first sign that something unique had taken place that first Christmas was the unusual radiance in the night sky. Shepherds who were patiently tending their flocks and keeping watch, as they must have done thousands of times before, were the first to hear the good news the angel of God was bringing to the world: "Behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people.

A timeless standard

Ethics, often dismissed as a prissy Sunday School word, is now at the center of a new national debate. Put bluntly, has the mindless materialism of the '80s left in its wake a values vacuum? Time, May 25, 1987 In recent months the United States has once again been struggling with its national conscience.

Editors' Round Table

When the new Journal arrives next month, you'll notice a difference. Last year, you may recall, the Sentinel was redesigned to stay "abreast of the times," See Manual of The Mother Church, Art.

Enthroning the Christ

A few years ago I visited Durham Cathedral in England. I was impressed with its imposing structure and magnificent proportions, proclaiming the Norman Christian's desire to build a place of worship worthy of the Most High.


Ethics aren't always easy to define. Yet definition of what we should do and what we can expect from one another is essential.

The consciousness that heals

Seeing Jesus, we see a unique example of what Christ, Truth, does in a human life, in a human being. But if we expect to see some effect of Christ in our own lives, it takes a real willingness to leave our assumptions and opinions and go where Christ leads.