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Putting on record insights into the practice of Christian Science.

Editors' Round Table

Have you asked yourself recently, "What's right with my branch church?" Maybe a few of us would admit we don't always phrase the question quite that way! A few months ago, as I was on my way to a Wednesday testimony meeting, I was ruminating about church. I found myself thinking in what were supposedly "common sense" terms about today's typical priorities and their negative effect on church.

"Good news"

My car broke down. It was late at night and I was traveling alone.

We can't escape God's healing love

Sometimes the human mind struggles with the idea of metaphysical healing, perhaps even doubting the possibility of divine power as a real or "very present help in trouble. " This may be a particular challenge for one who has suffered with sickness or pain over a considerable length of time.

Solving the problem

However difficult or easy we may believe our situation to be, we always have one and the same problem to solve—no more, no less. And that is the problem of being.

Body worship—or a life that serves God?

An article I came across in a religious magazine posed some challenging questions about the growing "cult" of body worship. To make its point, the article carried a reprint of an advertisement for a popular body-building machine.

The moral courage of spiritual pioneers

Three or four years ago I wrote a letter to a historian whose books had taught me a great deal. This writer has a particular ability to arrive at profound insights into human events and character.

Man: the other half of the discovery

All too often we carry around extensive baggage in relation to ourselves. We are like people who go on a day trip but feel they have to pack everything they own.

Christian Science: system, method, and application

The founding of the metaphysical system of Christianity began when Mrs. Eddy discovered the Science of Christ, the divine law which Christ Jesus demonstrated in his healing works.

Prayer for others in an emergency

Christians naturally have a deep love and concern for their neighbors. The responsibility we feel toward caring for others grows spontaneously out of our love for God.

Education for a spiritual era—beginning now

Many have traveled a long way for it. They are hungry for it.