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Putting on record insights into the practice of Christian Science.

Editors' Round Table

A First Reader I knew read everything with total attention to the meaning of the words, including the announcements repeated each week. The regular notice about Sunday School, for example, always caught my attention because the Reader emphasized the last word instead of the first: "Sunday School.

A writer in Christianity Today , looking at some of the challenges confronting the Christian Church as it heads into the twenty-first century, speaks of a "rampant selfishness" in contemporary society, where people "tend to give highest priority to the kind of worship that yields personal comfort. " The article continues with this hard-hitting analysis of what the writer considers to be typical of today's church life in Western culture: "Granted, God's Word encourages the sorely afflicted to seek solace; however, many of us are content to remain in the comfort zone.

Treat evil as a lie

One of the most encouraging aspects of Christian Science healing is that evil in whatever form it appears is always no more than a lie. Whether we're troubled by personal difficulties or disturbed by the complex issues that touch all mankind, the way these challenges are approached is basically the same.

Light a new torch for liberty

Some have cheered and others have wept when they have passed her. Thousands have climbed to admire her at close range.

Divinely inspired congregational worship

Do you ever wonder what it might have been like to have been present at the gatherings of the early Christians described in the book of Acts? It is said of the participants in one of these gatherings, "They were all with one accord in one place. " Acts 2:1.

Church—in the shadows or on the front lines?

The early Christian Church sets the example. The challenge today is to follow it—to keep the fires of spiritual purpose burning.

To change a world

Christ Jesus sent his disciples into the world. In his great prayer just before his crucifixion, he said that he was not asking the Father to take them out of the world.

Is your branch church contributing to mankind's peace?

A message given at The Mother Church many years ago remains as timeless and timely as is the Church itself. Referring to the Founder of the Church, her student William P.

The future of Christian Science

In 1901 the New York Herald published this statement from Mary Baker Eddy: "The continuity of The Church of Christ, Scientist, is assured. " The First Church of Christ, Scientist, and Miscellany , p.

The realness of what we declare

The reality of spiritual being behind Christian Science treatment keeps it from depending on the abilities of the person praying. And the more we become conscious of this divine reality, or Science of being, the less we suppose we have to accomplish something "personal" in declaring words of truth.