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Putting on record insights into the practice of Christian Science.

Editors' Round Table

Sunday School is church. Maybe the classrooms are located next door to the auditorium (or in the basement), but Sunday School isn't a separate entity or appendage.

Definitions and Christ

"Abandon intellectual wrestling and just pray to follow Christ. " This was the loving counsel a teacher of Christian Science gave a student some years ago.

Where we've been, where we're going

The beginning of a new year is indeed a good time for evaluating where we've been, that we may better see our way forward. Our immediate yesteryear, 1985, was a year both fraught with challenges and rich with fruitage for the Christian Science movement.

This "new crusade"

Suppose someone asks, "Does your Church have any burning sense of mission about helping humanity? Are Christian Scientists just trying to be healthy and happy?" You would probably convey in some way—to a great extent through the quality of your love—the total conviction that the Church you belong to was formed for the definite purpose of helping mankind. As Christian Scientists we may not have thought recently about the full sweep of the Cause of Christian Science.

The "still small voice": influence for peace

The Bible calls God "Spirit" and "truth," "the author .

In working out our salvation it's essential that we learn to distinguish clearly between what is good and what is evil, what is truth and what are lies. This is fundamental.

We need Christmas!

During previous Christmas seasons, in the United States, there has been much controversy about whether it is appropriate to display religious symbols of Christmas on public property. But many people can agree on one vital point: Christmas touches our deepest feelings.

Witnesses to pure, scientific Christianity

Christian Science presents the law of divine good, redeeming mankind from sin, sickness, death, and from all the finity of believing that life and intelligence are in matter. There is no more important message to share with the world than the message of pure, scientific Christianity.

The only Ego on campus

This month's issue of the Journal includes a report of the meeting held in Boston August 16-18 for members of Christian Science organizations at colleges and universities. Those who attended this meeting are now addressing the challenges on their respective campuses of putting into practice the inspiration they gained at the meetings.

The dreamer is within the dream—but we're outside it

The revelation of divine Science, which means everything to us as Christian Scientists, is that God, Spirit, is All—and that nothing exists other than Spirit and its creation. We agree this isn't something we can ever, for any reason, afford to set aside as "too metaphysical.