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Putting on record insights into the practice of Christian Science.

Editors' Round Table

Have you ever thought of your church as its community's answered prayer? The prayer may be unspoken, perhaps only a nascent desire. Yet every community, and the world itself, long for peace and healing.

Unobstructed light, undiminished vision

Vision is dependent on light. That's a given.

Our Principle is Being

Surely it is the desire of every adherent of Christian Science increasingly to approach in his or her practice of Science the quality and quantity of Christ Jesus' healing work. Jesus said of such an individual, "The works that I do shall he do also.

From the beginning of our Church and movement, Christian Science treatment hasn't been so much "something one goes to a Christian Science practitioner for" as it has been the orderly, systematic approach to healing through prayer that every Christian Scientist expects to practice. We do ask for help from practitioners when we feel we need it.

The advantages of Christian Science healing

When Mrs. Eddy was healed through her discovery of Christian Science, she became a lively witness for the matchless effects of her discovery.

True demonstration heals

Christian Science healing is the most natural thing in the world. It comes straight from the infinite God, good, our beloved Father-Mother, who loves each of us with a love greater than we can possibly imagine.

The always new and ever-growing church

Sometimes church grows right in front of your eyes. For example: • A goals committee in a branch church had been trying to define a proper objective for their church to work together on.

The traveler—a friend to mankind

What a world of travelers we're becoming. It's not uncommon these days to see people from England, Indonesia, Nigeria, the United States, Japan, and all corners of the world mingling in each other's airports.

Has it ever felt as if the only point of friendly contact you have with many of the members in your church comes through the brief greetings you share after a worship service? You nod hello, or take a moment to shake someone's hand, or smile and wave at the folks out front on your way to the parking lot. All of that is important, of course.

"He will joy over thee with singing"

A musician named John Buttrick writes: "Rivers run no higher than their sources. Our sources need cultivation, development, and freshening.