The angel Gabriel brought to Mary a highly unconventional message. But Mary responded and received it. She said, "My soul doth magnify the Lord, and my spirit hath rejoiced in God my Saviour. . . . For he that is mighty hath done to me great things; and holy is his name."Luke 1: 46, 47, 49.
We too need to respond fully and unconventionally to the Holy Ghost, the message of Spirit, as it comes to this age. But, if we are picturing ourselves as living along in an ordinary world and doing the best we can to apply Christian Science to it, we are really not responding as fully as possible to the message of the Comforter.
Christian Science shows us that what seems to be a material world is not a world but rather a human, mortal consciousness of things—a mistaken sense. A Christian Scientist therefore cannot afford to go along with conventional views. To withstand the insistent materialism of the age, to follow Christ Jesus in healing ourselves and others, we need a much fuller acceptance of the divine revelation that is Christian Science. And this includes the spiritual truth that the only genuine consciousness is God-given.