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"When my heart is overwhelmed"

From the December 1986 issue of The Christian Science Journal

"From the end of the earth will I cry unto thee, when my heart is overwhelmed: lead me to the rock that is higher than I," 1 sang the Psalmist. It is a heartwarming truth that even though we may feel far from God's help or drowning in waters too deep for us to stand in, there is always the high rock—the rock of salvation—to catch hold of and stand upon. There is always present divine Love's leading to guide us to that solid foundation, the rock of Christ, Truth.

But how does God help us in our human woes if He knows only His own infinite goodness and harmony? That was the substance of a question asked of me when I was teaching a Christian Science Sunday School class of eleven-year-olds. I knew that one girl had a new baby brother at home, so I asked her if the baby ever cried. "Oh yes," she said. "Only last night he woke me up crying. But soon he was cooing and happy again."

"Oh?" I asked. "What happens when he cries in the night?"

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