A recent television special focused on a plight rather commonplace today— that of the longtime employee forced out of work for a variety of reasons. In some cases changing technology brings with it the elimination of jobs that previously had been central to an organization's operation. In others, in an effort to trim costs, companies are replacing longtime, higher-salaried employees with newer, lower-paid personnel.
Whatever the reason, for a person to be told he is being let go can be a devastating experience. Self-esteem takes a real jolt; financial security seems to be thrown out the window; fears about being able to compete for job openings with abreast-of-the-times youngsters can seem well grounded.
What a predicament! The unfortunate one facing it may even echo those familiar words of Job in the Bible, "Let the day perish wherein I was born."1 Where does one turn? Let's consider what happened to Job. His is a story of hope and inspiration for anyone facing seemingly insurmountable obstacles. After a horrendous struggle with himself, he at last unreservedly acknowledged God's supremacy, and we read that "the Lord blessed the latter end of Job more than his beginning."2