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Opening God's gifts

From the December 1986 issue of The Christian Science Journal

The Christmas season is a time for joy, a time when people come together in unity and peace, commemorating the birth and life of our Saviour, Christ Jesus. But despite all that the season stands for, there are many people who find not harmony and peace, not the presence of the Christ, but a feeling of alienation, loneliness, and depression.

Not so long ago I found myself falling into the latter category. While others were filled with merriment, I felt unhappy and lacking so much. As a student of Christian Science, I realized I had a wonderful opportunity at that very moment to free myself from these destructive feelings. But how to go about it? I decided to open my thought to the spiritual gifts God is eternally bestowing on me and all His children.

I approached these gifts tentatively at first; but as I began to rejoice in those I was clearly conscious of, I found many more just waiting for my recognition and acceptance. I gratefully received—opened my thought wide to— each of them.

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