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Testimonies of Healing

[Original in Spanish]

Twenty years ago personal experience...

From the December 1986 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Twenty years ago personal experience and university studies of psychology and philosophy led me to lose confidence in conventional material medicine, and I resolved not to have medical treatment for any reason from that point on.

Some years later, after I had studied and experimented with homeopathy, naturalism, yoga, theosophy, and Buddhism, a great trial presented itself. A small growth on my neck at the base of my skull began to enlarge; with this came a great deal of pain. My husband and I were already acquainted with Christian Science, but we were not adhering to it. We had accepted only some of its teachings—such as this from the Christian Science textbook, Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy (p. 411): "The procuring cause and foundation of all sickness is fear, ignorance, or sin." At that time, you might say, we were near the hem of Christ's robe, but resisted touching it and entering the straight and narrow way (see Matt. 7:13, 14).

We had been told about a minister of a certain Christian denomination (not Christian Science) who was said to heal as Jesus did. With great faith and hope I attended his church at some distance from our home. I joined in the religious ceremony there, during which those present glorified God with shouts and with their hands lifted into the air. At one point, because I was one seeking healing, the minister put his hand on my forehead and prayed aloud. I began to feel ashamed and doubtful, then suddenly I fell backward but felt no pain as I hit the floor behind me. I only heard voices saying, "Hallelujah" and "Glory to God." When I got up unassisted, I touched my neck and the growth was gone! With great emotion I glorified God with the congregation and then left for home, full of joy. But as the bus to my town traveled along, my neck began to swell and become painful again. By the time I got home to my husband, a growth on my neck was fully in evidence, just as before.

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