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I remember when . . .

From the November 1986 issue of The Christian Science Journal

We're entering a season of remembering. Veterans Day, Remembrance Day, Thanksgiving, the Christmas holidays, and the retrospection attending a New Year hint at how much memories mean to us.

Obviously there is something powerful, essential, and right about not forgetting events of large import. But, of course, memories can be challenging as well. For example, throughout Paul's letters, it's apparent that his early experience in first opposing and then converting to Christianity is never far from his thought. But for Paul, the memory of those early times served his understanding of Christ Jesus' mission. Memory of the spiritual lessons he had learned worked in a profound way to guide Paul in his own life and aided him in restoring life and spiritual purpose to others.

Mary Baker Eddy's experience was not unsimilar. There were rich memories in her life that shine through her correspondence, conversations with members of her household and | Church, and her published writings. Strong ties to early family life, lasting childhood lessons from much-respected spiritual mentors, and an obvious caring and sympathy for the people among whom she lived and worked are evident throughout her life.

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