"Although all shall be offended, yet will not I." These words of Peter's, affirming his unwavering loyalty to Christ Jesus, were spoken the night of the last supper. Yet by morning Peter had denied knowing Jesus three times.See Mark 14:29-72.
A deeper study of this account brought home some useful lessons to me. For which of us who profess to be disciples of the Christ Science has not figuratively heard a cock call in the realization with remorse that he or she has in some way denied Truth?
According to the Gospel of Mark, the first time Peter heard the cock was after he pleaded ignorance to a woman who identified him as one of Jesus' followers. "He denied, saying, I know not, neither understand I what thou sayest." Often mortal mind's first attempt to thwart a willing disciple of the Truth is to get that disciple to agree that he or she does not know the Christ, the saving Truth Jesus taught and practiced. This admission of ignorance can be expressed today as a lament that one has no inspiration, not enough understanding; or perhaps as the stubborn refusal to see the sin that is operating in one's life.