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Putting on record insights into the practice of Christian Science.

Editors' Round Table

There's a lot of earnest thought given to the great need for peace in our world. Peace in families, in neighborhoods; peace among religious and political factions; peace along the borders of smaller nations and between the governments of superpowers.

Substance is intact; you are whole!

The book of Acts relates more than one stirring experience. Such is the account of the Christian disciple Peter's visit to a man named Aeneas.

Strength and courage in adversity

Individual freedoms—basic freedoms of speech, press, assembly, religion—are still not fully recognized as inalienable rights in much of our world today. In one country a woman, like many of her fellow citizens, was sent to prison as a dissident.

This editorial is on sin, but nevertheless you might be interested

We can heal sin by recognizing “God's allness and our individuality as completely His spiritual reflection.”

Marriage, family, and the Science of healing

Recently I saw a science-fiction film that was produced in the 1960s. In it there was a geneticist who was greatly concerned with the Malthusian vision of the world's population overwhelming its food supplies.

Christ Jesus taught his followers that church building could only begin with and continue from the basis of Christ, the immortal spiritual manhood that he exemplified. Commending the acknowledgment that his true selfhood was Christ, Jesus said, "Upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.

A world behind the words

Abraham Lincoln, in the accepted joshing style of the times, once remarked of a political opponent, "He can compress the most words into the smallest ideas of any man I ever met. " Louise Bachelder, ed.

The Christian's prayer of confidence

People who are hurting, who are suffering, who are struggling to make their way in life, who are challenged by loss or grief, may quite understandably face what is sometimes called a crisis of confidence. The doubts can loom large.

"Be ye therefore perfect . . . ." Who, me?

Solomon is synonymous with wisdom. The clever way he determined which of two claimants was actually the mother of an infant has stood for ages.

Finding the real cause—why you or someone else can be healed

Has it ever quietly dawned on you that someone you wanted very much to help through Christian Science probably needed to correct something wrong deep in his or her own thinking? And has it ever seemed to you that this person just wouldn't let go of his errors and therefore you couldn't reach him? For example, you might have reasoned that because you couldn't manage to change the aspects of a person's character contributing to the problem, healing was blocked. If we have got into the habit of thinking this way about cause, we're apt to have more reasons for not healing than for healing.