Putting on record insights into the practice of Christian Science.
To become comfortable with the belief that an imperfect ego which we call "I" or "me" living along in matter will someday become perfect is actually to believe in something other than Christian Science. The one I, or Ego, is God and is already perfect.
If one believes in the existence of God, there is a fundamental point he should be certain of. Do we accept without question that the God we believe in is truly good—infinite good, all good? Trusting radically in the fact and law of God's absolute goodness is essential to the successful practice of Christian healing.
It's easy to see how thought moves the hand. But what about the so-called involuntary functions such as the action of the eye, the heart, or the digestive system? Christian Science shows that what is miscalled involuntary action is the result of thought as certainly as is the action considered to be voluntary.
The Bible expresses our spiritual conviction: "As for God, his way is perfect. " Ps.
Some religions offer a course of instruction to introduce their doctrines. Christian Science provides class instruction for individuals who are settled enough in Science to have a proven record.
The fragrance of Easter is the fragrance of forgiveness. With what tenderness and courage Christ Jesus forgave even those who persecuted him and sought to lift them from the emptiness of mortality.
Throughout the twentieth century there have been "wars and rumours of wars"—from border skirmishes to revolutions to world wars. And even when one's own country has not been engaged in a conflict, still at almost any time during our era armies have been fighting somewhere on planet earth.
It is difficult to imagine that Mary Baker Eddy, who discovered Christian Science, would have spoken without a certain fervency or genuine depth of feeling when she was preaching sermons or addressing groups of Christian Scientists in the late 1800's. Christian Science was the revelation of divine Truth that she was sharing with mankind.
The opportunity every church member has to bring Christian Science more visibly to the public eye is a magnificent privilege. As we stand steadfastly for the understanding of God we have both discerned and demonstrated, something of profound implication for humanity is happening.
Prophets are often depicted as gloomy, with a small dark cloud hanging over their heads. Perhaps they need a union to help change the unfair image! While it is true they are usually found rowing against the current of human life, the fact is prophets love humanity more than most.