It might appear that there are many ways to alleviate disease, according to human belief. Medicine, psychotherapy, hypnotism, biofeedback, diet and exercise, even voodoo—any one of these may offer temporary relief from physical and psychological distress if the human mind concedes power and validity to that particular system of treatment.
Relief from an ailment is one thing. True healing, however, is something else altogether. True healing does more than provide release from a physical disease or an emotional disorder, although it certainly does free the sufferer. It also brings such spiritual regeneration and transformation of the individual's thinking that specific elements of human belief that brought on the disease are thoroughly eliminated from one's consciousness. Not only is the disease healed but the liability to suffer its effects in the future is removed. The individual is made better and holier—less fearful and sinful, less ignorant of the facts of divine reality. He feels more of his unity with God and learns more of who he actually is as God's pure likeness, the spiritual reflection of divine Love. All of this is possible because true healing is based on divine law. It is scientific Christian healing, healing in the way Christ Jesus taught his disciples to heal.
The Science of Christianity is awakening mankind to the fact that redemption from sin and the healing of disease are both indispensable in working out one's salvation. This is the message of the Comforter to humanity today. As Mrs. Eddy states, "Body and mind are correlated in man's salvation; for man will no more enter heaven sick than as a sinner, and Christ's Christianity casts out sickness as well as sin of every sort." 1